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We return to work after a break.

I apologize for the delay in publications. The heat in Volgograd was simply hellish. And …

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Russia - its area and population.

Russia is the largest state on our planet. The largest and most unpopulated percentage. A…

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Russian houses. Cossack kuren.

Today's topic for the article is Russian houses. And, I decided to tell you about the…

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The history of the auto concern - GAZ (32-50th years) #1

Monday starts with a classic car section. Today I will try to make an excursion into the …

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WEEKLY REVIEW #1 2021.06.06.

Today is Sunday. So it's time to review all the articles on my blog this week. With o…

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Volzhsky hydroelectric power station

Today is Saturday, which means it's time to tell something about the city in which I …

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St. Petersburg is the most European city in Russi

A popular tourist destination in Russia, both for foreigners and for Russians themselves,…

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Soviet houses - Khrushchevka #1

The housing issue has long been an acute problem in Russia, from the time of the Russian …

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Soviet cars - car prices in the USSR # 1

Today I want to touch on the cost of Soviet cars, before the collapse of the USSR. Both i…

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Russian car - VAZ-2101 Lada

Today I will tell you about a car like the VAZ-2101, which is popularly called "penn…

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