Today I want to touch on the cost of Soviet cars, before the collapse of the USSR. Both in rubles and to transfer the account to the "ruble-dollar" rate of those years. To do this, you need to clarify the list of salaries that Soviet residents received.

Let's give a list of salaries in the USSR in the 70s - 80s. For these purposes, material will be borrowed from the site ( It is political, which does not correlate with my blog without politics. But, we are interested in specific information on salaries.

The dollar exchange rate was 60 kopecks per dollar. Sometimes +30 kopecks to this cost. At the licensing rate of the state bank. The problem was also that people could not freely trade currency and make an exchange. And on the black market, prices were completely different.

40 rubles (66 dollars) - Scholarship at the Institute (Institute, University)

75 rubles (125 dollars) - Minimum wage in the USSR

80 rubles (133 dollars) - Cashier of the savings bank

80-130 rubles (133-216 dollars) - Nurse

80-300 rubles (133-500 dollars) - Car mechanic

100-150 rubles (166-250 dollars) - Doctor

100-180 rubles (166-300 dollars) - Driver of category C

110 rubles (183 dollars) - Senior Controller of the Savings Bank

110 rubles (183 dollars) - Engineer from the institute's bench

120 rubles (200 dollars) - Bank accountant

130-140 rubles (216-233 dollars) - Category 3 constructor

132 rubles (220 dollars) - Teacher

140 rubles (233 dollars) - Trolleybus driver

140-160 rubles (233-266 dollars) - 2nd category constructor

160-180 (266-300 dollars) rubles - Category 1 constructor

180-210 rubles (300-350 dollars) - Leading designer

180-300 rubles (300-500 dollars) - Slinger

200 rubles (333 dollars) - Average salary in the USSR

200-220 rubles (333-366 dollars) - Head of the sector

200-400 rubles (333-666 dollars) - Builder (assembler)

200-500 rubles (333-833 dollars) - Tower crane operator

260 rubles (433 dollars) - Head of department

300 rubles (500 dollars) - Monetary allowance for a lieutenant colonel in the Armed Forces

450 rubles (750 dollars) - First secretary of the regional party committee

600 rubles (1000 dollars) - Minister

And now about the cost of the cars themselves. In this article, I will provide an overview of 4 popular cars in the USSR, from premium to the most budgetary from this list.

1. GAZ-24 (Volga).

2. VAZ-2101 (Kopeyka).

3. Moskvich-412.

4. ZAZ-968 (Zaporozhets).

And so, to the cost in the 70s.

GAZ-24, cost about 9200-9600 rubles. Or 15333-16000 dollars.

VAZ-2101, cost about 5500 rubles. Or $ 9166.

Moskvich-412, cost about 7,500-7800 rubles. Or 12,500-13,000 dollars.

ZAZ-968, cost about 3,500 rubles. Or $ 5833.

The cost of cars in the 80s.

GAZ-24, cost about 11,200 rubles. Or $ 18,666.

VAZ-2101, cost about 6400 rubles. Or $ 10,666.

Moskvich-412, discontinued. Sale on the secondary market.

ZAZ-968, cost about 5600 rubles. Or $ 9,333.

It should also be noted that there was no free auto-lending. And these sums had to be saved to buy a new car. And also, it gets into a queue for a purchase, which could last several years.

It is worth noting that the Moskvich-412 cost more than the VAZ-2101. But, it was less prestigious, less roomy. But more hardy.