Until now, there is a lot of controversy in the research community about the origin of the word "Rus" itself, as well as about the exact dates and reasons for the emergence of such a state. And also about what preceded the appearance of Russia. What was the people who became Russian, and what was the structure of the society of the Slavs.
Russia, presumably founded in 862 AD. Invited to the reign, Prince Rurik from the social class (or nationality), also called "Rus". The land that Rurik and his family received into possession began to be called the "Russian Land", that is, the land belonging to the "Rus" estate. And the peoples inhabiting the territory acquired the name "Russian people".
It is worth noting that the word "Russians" in Russian is an adjective. The word "Russians", in Russian, answers the question - "what?"; and also - "whose?" While the names of other peoples in Russian are nouns, and they answer the question - "who?" About Russians: Whose are you? - We are Russians. On other nations: Who are you? - We are English, Germans, French, Italians, and so on. That is, the "Russians" are peoples belonging to (whose?) The "Rus" estate. The people, in fact, were considered the property of the rulers of "Rus".
That is, "Russian" is a person of different from different Slavic and non-Slavic nationalities, belonging to masters from the clan of Prince Rurik (Rus). Which in itself is not a very pleasant fact. What I will write analysis in another portal. For me, as a person of Russian origin, this was also a traumatic realization. Link to the second article: will be here.
Let's clarify what peoples formed the basis of the Russian people ?! Who are these peoples who have become "Russians" ?! We know of some peoples (tribes) that lived independently before the formation of the "Russian Principality", and became part of the lands of Prince Rurik. I will list them:
Northern group: Slovene Novgorodskiye, Krivichi, Polochane, Radimichi, Vyatichi.
Southern group: Polyane, Severyane, Dregovichi, Drevlyane, Duleby (later renamed Volynian), Buzhany (who also became Volynian), Croats, Ulichi (Uglichi), Tivertsy.
Before the arrival of Rurik, there was no single state, state system, and sole rule on the Slavic Lands. The peoples of the Slavs, being tribal, with a tribal system, created political alliances. Where decisions were made by a meeting of leaders of nationalities. Alliances were needed for mutual guarantees of non-aggression, as well as for joint defense and raids on other tribes, alliances, and states.
Who knows what would happen to the people with such an approach. Assimilation by centralized states is possible. Or, perhaps, if the tribes survived, and in the process of political development had the opportunity to create a federal state, they would become a "Slavic Federation". History would have taken a completely different path. But, this was not destined to happen due to the intensifying internecine conflict between the tribes.
It was in order to extinguish this conflict that the Northern group of Slavs invited a person to reign who had nothing to do with their internecine enmity. This person was Rurik, a representative of the "Varyags", peoples kindred to the Vikings. Some of the tribes voluntarily renounced their sovereignty. About the personality of Rurik, his origin - I will mention in other articles.
Having received the title of Prince, Rurik proclaims the new lands "Russian lands", and the tribal communities "the Russian people" (I wrote about this above). For 2 years of rule, Rurik manages to subjugate the cities of Rostov, Murom and Smolensk. However, in the wake of military successes, the elites of Novgorod (the future capital of Russia) rise up against the rule of a foreign prince. The uprising of the people was raised by Vadim the Brave, with the support of boyars, merchants and magi. However, the uprising was drowned in blood and was not destined to succeed.
However, everything is not limited to military campaigns on the territory of the Northern Group. The southern group is headed by the new Princes Askold and Dir, who rule in Kiev. And, they also claim to unite the territory of the Slavic tribes, including the Northern Lands. Reflecting the raids of Askold's army, Rurik erects strong fortifications near all major cities. And prepares the army for the subsequent war.
In achieving peace, the Prince of Novgorod was helped by another, but now unsuccessful attack by Askold's army. In 870, after the defeat of Kiev, a peace treaty was concluded, with subsequent payments of indemnities - a tribute.
And so, during the years of the reign of Prince Rurik (862 - 879), a strong authoritarian state "Novgorod Rus" was founded. Which in the future was destined for many centuries of victories and defeats - to transform into Russia, the Russian Empire, the RSFSR, the USSR, and today the Russian Federation. However, having lost the original territories, due to internal conflict - which of the peoples is historical Russian ?! As the influence of Russia grows, in its expansion to the East, and the multicultural mixing of ethnic groups, the peoples of the territories enter into an ethnic conflict. Indeed, in fact, politically, Russia inherits the power of the Rurikovichs. And ethnically, the inhabitants of Russia have less genetic affinity with the original Russians of Novgorod Rus and Kievan Rus.
However, the collected material cannot be absolutely reliable. For it was written by an ordinary person living in the environment of Russia and the "Russian world". Plus, even researchers who have devoted their lives to studying the history of Ancient Russia have not yet come to a general consensus.
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